Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Report & Poem : Teacher's Day Celebrations 2011 at SMK Methodist ACS Melaka

Dear All,

On 16 May 2011 (Monday), the nation remembers the teachers and celebrated that day with all kinds of activities. Usually these activities are organised by the students with the guidance of teachers.

In SMK Methodist ACS, as the President of the Teacher's Club, I had to assist the Perfect's Board commitee in organising the celebration. Anyway, with the help of the teacher's club commitee and Pn. Jamilah who is one of the teacher in-charge of the Perfects, we managed to pull it off.

A number of the classes especially the Form 5s and a handful of other classes had organised a class party in honour of teachers. The administration of the school encourages the classes to hold class parties to inculcate the value of appreciating their teachers and to learn how to organise events. Having said that, the class teachers had to be very much involved in carrying out this event as the all male students still needed the teacher's guidance and contributions. Anyway, it was a good start as the students are observing and modeling after the teacher.

I received a few gifts but the most meaningful were the words of appreciation from some naughty students. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out from another teacher that a student of mine had won a prize from the STAR Stuff@School Teacher's Day Acrostic Poem Contest. Sigh..... how I wished there was a photo taken of Jaziq Zakwan Jenal, a quiet, pint-sized student from Limbongan, Melaka who composed an acrostic poem using my name as the initial letters of the wonderful poem and me. The poem can be found on the STAR 9th May 2011 Stuff@School pullout section. As to the prize, Jaziq will get a novel while I will get a RM100 voucher to dine at the Victoria Station, a restaurant that is well known for it's Western food.

I've included the poem below for your enjoyment!

Happy Teacher's Day to all Malaysian educators!

Rodney Tan



  1. Hey do you mind using this poem in one of our books...with credits mentioned... very nice poem. looking forward to hear from you.

    dinu k paul, dubai, uae...

    1. You can use this poem with the student's name as the poet.

  2. 43D7BF455ENathan159D321359October 13, 2024 at 7:19 PM

    skype cam şov
