Saturday, April 10, 2010

News: Teach Abroad Students "May Be" Allowed to Use Force on Pupils

Dear All,

Corporal and physical punishment is frowned upon or prohibited by many schools in developed countries especially the UK.

But the news below seems to indicate otherwise. The authorities there are allowing physical punishment where it is necessary (especially for English language trained teachers who teach abroad).

In Malaysia, physical punishment on students is allowed but there are very strict guidelines--only done by the Principal (or those empowered by him), punishment is recorded and witnessed. Besides that, the method is precisely described and it is not done in public. These guidelines have been drafted using informed legal advice.

What about in other countries? Do you still practice physical punishment on students? What is the method used?

Rodney Tan
Teach abroad students ‘may be encouraged to use force with pupils’
Posted 09 Apr 2010

People on TESOL courses may be surprised by a recent announcement by the UK government that appears to allow the use of force to tackle troublesome pupils.

Anyone taking a TESOL course will no doubt be looking forward to receiving tips about how to ensure they retain control of their classroom when they teach abroad.

A recent statement released by the Department for Children, Schools and Families appears to dispel the ‘no contact’ myth and general secretary for the Association of School and College Leaders Dr John Dunford believes it is a good thing.

He stated: "Schools will welcome the clear message from the government that this is a reasonable and necessary course of action in some situations."

Dr Dunford explained that it is thankfully very rare that teachers will have to use force to control a pupil, which anyone thinking about teaching English abroad will be happy to hear.
