
Monday, June 27, 2011

Professional Development Opportunity: Weekend Script-Writing Workshop in July 2011

Title: Weekend script-writing workshop 

The Malacca Theatre Group is organizing a 2-day (one week-end) Drama script-writing workshop for interested adults.  It is aimed at potential creative writers who are keen to develop their ideas/skills in script writing of stage dramas (note: there will be tips on writing for TV, radio and film, and conversion of a written story to performance theatre).


The Workshop will be facilitated by playwright, film director, ex-journalist, and academic Patrick Yeoh of Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Dates: 16 & 17 July, 2011 (Saturday and Sunday) - Time: 8.00a m to 5.00 pm

Venue:  Semabok Inn,   396 Jalan Semabok, 75050 Melaka, Malaysia.

Workshop Programme
The workshop will cover the various stages of script writing, from idea to full execution. Participants will get to understand the theatre environment, learn story development, play construction, character development, the technique and secrets of writing good dialogue, explore presentation techniques and generally learn to appreciate the full potential of stage drama.

Come with an idea suitable for development or come with nothing prepared but an open mind and lots of enthusiasm and curiosity. 

Participation Details:

Participation Fees: RM120 (Refreshments and lunch for two days supplied).

You will need a laptop & pen drive, and you can work alone or in groups of three.

Places are limited to 25 participants, on a first come first served basis.

The closing date for applications  is Friday, 1st July, 2011

How to Apply:

Interested participants should send an e-mail to MTG Treasurer, Dr.R.Panicker at Your email must include your full name and IC,

your telephone number and a current CV.

The Treasurer will revert to you with details of how you can make payments to MTG

For Enquiries, contact Org. Chair -, h/p  012-3762552

or Audrey Lim h/p  016- 6430520   .

Outstation participants needing accommodation can call Ms. Tan for special room rates. Tel:   +606-2838877     Fax: +606-2837299

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