
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Drama: Shakespeare Demystified - Julius Caeser at KL PAC (29 June - 3 July 2011)

Dear All,

Just got this note from Marina Tan about an opportunity to watch a very accessible Shakespearean drama for the general public being staged in KL from 29 June- 3 July.

Please watch and give our support for a worthy local producation. Arrange for your class/school/ college/university to watch this presentation. It will be especially meaningful for students who are studying Shakespeare in their literature classes.

For more info please contact the organisers.

Rodney Tan

P.S. Click on the picture to get a larger view.

Dear Rodney,

Greetings! Hope your week is going well.

Anyway, my friends and I are putting up the play of Julius Caesar after all :) it will be 29 June to 3 July at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, and it will be geared towards a "non-expert" audience of Shakespeare. We also have a Narration that will serve as a guide to the story as well as to point out some of the devices Shakespeare used to achieve his intended effects. As you can see, we are really going all out to make it accessible, exciting and illuminating, and "demystify" his work to the public and to the SPM Literature in English students. There will also be a Q&A afterwards, so students (and teachers!) get a chance to ask the actors questions - eg about the experience, their challenges or interest, the rehearsal, Shakespeare, etc.

Hope you can make it, and would be grateful if you could also mention it on your blog, for your readers who may be interested :)

Many thanks!

* Happening this JUNE–JULY *
William Shakespeare was one of the best English writers ever. Seriously: Ever. The Shakespeare Demystified project aims to share the joy and genius of the Bard’s masterful storytelling and curious understanding of humanity.
The play – Julius Caesar - is a searing tale of power and ambition; and of the ideals of the state and of society, with a sprinkle of violence and the odd bit of comedy. This 80-minute no-frills show will feature scenes from the play in their original text, with modern-day narration to help iron out any Elizabethan wrinkles.
The performance will consist of an 80-minute “show” (approximately 60 minutes of Shakespeare text interspersed with 20 minutes of narration), followed by a 10-minute break and 20-minute Q&A session. Click here to find out more!
Photos by Kelab Shashin Fotografi KL
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