
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

News: SMK Methodist ACS Melaka (Malacca ACS) Centenary Dinner 2011

Dear All,

The school I'm teaching in, SMK Methodist ACS Melaka had just celebrated its 100th Years Anniversary with a 110-table grand dinner function in the school grounds.

About 1,100 Old Boys (MACSians) and their family and friends came to celebrate, to fellowship and to renew ties with their ex-classmates, teachers and friends.

The Lord was good to us as it didn't rain and the function went on smoothly.

I met a few old friends (class of '54, 71 and 79) and many others whom I have befriended during my growing up years. Even though I was not an Old Boy of the school, yet I could feel the camaderie and nostalgia amongst the guests that night.

In the evening, at 5 pm we had a Centenary Thansgiving Celebration and our special guest was the head of the Methodist Church in West Malaysia, Bishop Dr. Hwa Yung. He described the very challenging times that the mission schools faced in Malaysia and encouraged more young people to join the teaching profession as a mission and service for the Lord.

THe dinner started at 7.45 pm sharp and food was served at 8.15 pm after the speeches were made.

A live band was in attendance and they played lots of oldies. A few invited singers and a singing quartet (The Hardwater Revival--an ex-ACS group) sang to entertain the crowd.

Some old boys even bought along some liquor and at least one was dead drunk that night!

Anyway, that did not spoil the mood as ex-students mingled from table to table meeting up with old friends and ex teachers. The oldest old boy was 86 years old and some really old boys came in wheelchair and walking stick. Some were from overseas (Australia, Singapore, UK etc) and specially made their way back to attend this once in a lifetime event.

Anyway, for those who missed the event, here's the programme schedule for your information.

Rodney Tan

P.S. Please click on the pictures to get a larger view.

Centenary School Magazine.
Copies are still available at RM20 per copy.
Printed in thick glossy paper with many articles and pictures
contributed by the old boys of ACS Melaka.



  1. Hello sir! Its me Junior. I like what you wrote up there sir <3

    1. Hi Junior! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Glad you like my posting on our schools 100th Anniversary dinner celebrations!
