
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Would you like to see yourself published on the Guardian website?

Would you like to see yourself published on the Guardian website?

The Guardian Weekly's Learning English has created Class Report, a space where teachers can share insights into their challenges and achievements. Class Report seeks to show the diversity and dynamism of the global English language teaching profession. If you are a full-time teacher established in your current teaching role and you have an inspiring story to tell, we would like to hear from you.

Calling all teachers

Teaching English is a truly global profession, so what do we have in common and what can we share? The Guardian Weekly's Learning English has created Class Report a space where teachers can share insights into their challenges and achievements.

Class Report seeks to show the diversity and dynamism of the global English language teaching profession. If you are a full-time teacher, you are established in your current teaching role and you have an inspiring story to tell, we would like to hear from you.

Perhaps you have overcome special challenges in your work or you teach in an unusual context. If so, we want you to share some of the insights you have gained - remember, your story will inform others and help them in their professional development.

The Class Report feature is presented as a short, ‘question-and-answer' style article, so we ask you to answer, briefly, the following questions and to provide brief biographical information. Your name and location will be published with the article. Please copy the questions and your answers into an email and send it to

We welcome all responses but the decision to publish responses as Class Report features rests with the editor. All information will be received in confidence and agreement to publish will be sought from the contributor before publication.

Class Report questions Please keep your answers brief (no more than 75 words per question). Answers should relate to your current teaching position only.

1 What keeps you motivated?

2 What has been your best teaching moment and why (in your current teaching situation)?

3 What has been your worst teaching moment and why (in your current teaching situation)?

4 What have you learned from your students?

5 What is the biggest challenge you face (in your current teaching situation)?

6 What's next (career development, ambitions, hopes, etc).

7 What is your top tip for other teachers (your best single piece of advice)?

Biographical information name: age: nationality: brief summary of education/teaching career-to-date: brief description of current teaching position (location, type of education establishment, etc)

Max de Lotbinière,

Editor, Learning English

Guardian Weekly,

Bank 2-42,

Kings Place,

90, York Way,

London N1 9GU.

tel: +44 (0)20 3353 3403 +44 (0)20 3353 3403

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