
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Help Needed: Respondent to a Masters Student's Questionaire

Dear All,

If you are a secondary school teacher in Malaysia, please help Ming See (doing her Masters in Education) to answer her online survey. It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Details and link to the survey are below this message.

Thank you.

Rodney Tan

I am currently doing my Master of Education with University Malaya. As my dissertation, I am conducting a study on How Secondary Teachers in Malaysia develop their Teaching Ability.

I also hope to link this with the importance of Teacher Mentoring. Hence, I would like to request from your good-self some contacts (either phone or email) of secondary school teachers. I will explain to them the purpose and their participation is voluntary. I hope to do this during the Dec hols where teachers are less busy.

I enclosed a sample of my questionnaire by clicking    so that you can have a look at the questions. Thank you very much.


Ming See

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