
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Announcement: Malacca ACS 100th Anniversary Centenary Dinner 2011

Dear All,

This announcement is for ALL ex-Malacca Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) students, teachers, administrators and friends.

The school is currently known as SMK Methodist ACS Melaka.

Do buy up the dinner tickets by the table (10 seats) and sit in a table together with your old friends/classmates/colleagues. Buy one seat also for your favourite teacher!

Contact info is below. You can also ring up the school during office hours at 06-2823434.

I'll be there!

Rodney Tan
Latest update:
Tables are being taken up very quickly. Less than 10 tables are available as of 18/1/2011. There will not be any additional tables added due to space constraints.

Amongst the souveniers available are the Centenary t-shirts, keychains and the commemorative coffeetable book. The keychains are free but the rest are for sale.

Contact Victor Chin/Ben Toh for commemorative coffeetable book bookings.

2nd Latest Update: (30/1/2011)
Almost all the tables have been firmly taken up. There maybe still a few more seats available. Please contact Mr Lee Bun Chuan (Principal) 012-3950349 or Mr. Tan Beng Siang @ 019-6663358

100th Anniversary Neon Logo in front of
the Wesley Methodist Church in Jalan Tengkera - day view

100th Anniversary Neon Logo in front of
the Wesley Methodist Church in Jalan Tengkera - night view

Old Boys (MACSians) 100th Anniversary Logo

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