
Monday, March 26, 2007

Quotation on Teachers 2

This second instalment has another 10 striking quotations for your reflection. A number of these quotes indicate that the teacher's role is noble and sacrificial; for example, quotes 12 and 20. The students should outperform their teacher. It's a heavy task and responsibility to be a caring, excellent teacher.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams

A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others. ~Author Unknown

The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence.
He inspires self-distrust.
He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him.
He will have no disciple.
~Amos Bronson Alcott

A good teacher is a master of simplification and an enemy of simplism. ~Louis A. Berman

We expect teachers to handle teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and the failings of the family. Then we expect them to educate our children. ~John Sculley

Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more. ~Bob Talbert

The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.
~William Arthur Ward

The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. ~Edward Bulwer-Lytton

A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Author Unknown

What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger

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