
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Announcement: Drama Workshop (Free)

Drama Workshop (free)

Facilitator: Derek Straat
Date: Sat. 28 April 2012
Venue: Baha’i Centre at 31 Jalan Bukit Senjuang (St John's Hill Road).
Time: 10 am to 12.30 pm.

Contact: Saratha (0169178010)

Directions: Turn left after the Salvation Army Building into the road if coming from Malacca town.  The Baha'i Centre is on your left opposite a row of double-storey link houses.

It’s a narrow one-way road so you will have to park further up at the furniture centre to the left.

If you get lost, pls call Saratha (0169178010) for directions.
Also, please stay back for 20-30’ to help with the clearing-up, as many hands make light work!

This is a great opportunity where we will learn a lot and have fun, so I hope  to see you soon!

Audrey Lim